Dispute Avoidance and Resolution

Achieving Progress and Prosperity with Peace of Mind

We’re here to help…

Welcome to Cerno Thames.  We’re here to help.


Cerno Thames Ltd is an international business advisory practice based in Oxford, UK, providing internationally recognised intermediary, disagreement and dispute-resolution services to businesses, partners, start-ups, employers, employees, and individuals.

Our goals are:

To support you to manage and resolve commercial, contractual and workplace situations, disagreements and disputes that come up in the course of business; to keep your business moving.

To bring parties together to help you improve your current and future joint-working relationship with the other party, or to help you part ways amicably depending on what you and the other party consider important to your future success.


We help you achieve impact, progress and prosperity…with peace of mind.

What We Do

Business Advisory – advice, guidance and support to assist with resolving difficult or complex business situations in real-time.


Dispute Resolution – undertake professional intermediary and dispute avoidance and resolution services between parties or between employer and employee that are negotiation, facilitation, and mediation, to explore, reach settlement and implement solutions that last.


Executive Coaching and Training – for individuals and/or groups, in negotiation, mediation and dispute management.

Services are delivered on a per-hour basis or fixed-fee basis, including block-hour options that can be used at your convenience.


Talk to us

Please contact Cerno Thames to arrange a free, no-obligation 30-minute

 consultation via Zoom to take place at your convenience.

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